• A3F

    Building a community of Asian founders, funders & friends.

  • A3F is "Asian Founders, Funders & Friends"

    Our mission is to unite the entire Asian community in the San Francisco Bay Area through our semi-professional & non-professional-at-all events. We see there are divides among each Asian race and under-representation of some Asian races, and we want to be the leaders in this change. Let's gather together to learn, grow, and have fun as Asian Founders, Funders & Friends.

  • The Triangle Network

    Asian Founders Funders & Friends Ecosystem

    The triangle is a beautiful symbol of balance in diversity. We want founders and funders to attend our events, as well as their friends who bring in an entirely new perspective and insight. We strive to increase our diversity within the Asian community in the startup and investment industries.

  • Events

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    A3F's Mid-Autumn Festival Happy Hour @ The Vault

    Working in the startup and investment industries can be rough, so come join A3F in a relaxed environment to mingle, network, and celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. Enjoy some Happy Hour drinks and some moon cakes. We are inviting all founders, funders, and friends who want to hang out with A3F on Sept 13th @ The Vault.

    <Past Event>